Creating a Workflow

Creating a Workflow

Creating a Workflow

Before you start

Workflows are built on top of integrations.

To get started, you need to connect your Coderbyte account. Follow the steps outlined in: Connecting CoderbyteConnecting Coderbyte

Your first Workflow

To begin, navigate to “Workflows” in the top nav menu.

You should see an empty screen.

Workflows are grouped by types. To get started, click the “New Workflow Group” button on the center of the page.

You will be presented a menu with a list of all possible workflow types. You can filter them by typing something into the “Search” field.


Please refer to the Workflows OverviewWorkflows Overview article to learn more about all Workflow types.

Once you click on the Workflow type you want to create a new, empty Group should appear on your screen.


You can now add your First workflow by clicking “Add first workflow” on the center of the Group.

Think of each Workflow as a single data entity pair under a given Workflow type. For example: one specific job connected to a single specific assessment.

When you add a Workflow, you should see a new row added to your Workflow Group.

You can add as many Workflows as you want.


Depending on the type of Workflow, a different configuration options will be shown.

Configure the Workflow and click “Save changes”.

Your Workflow is now active and operational.

Helpful features

Duplicating Workflows

In order to configure multiple Workflows for a similar set of data efficiently, you can click on the “duplicate” button on the right side of a Workflow.

This will clone the Workflow and use the same configuration options as the original one.

To finish the work, change at least one of the configuration options (e.g. change the job, but leave the same stage and assessment).
