Workflows Overview

Workflows Overview

Workflows Overview


Growhire Workflows is an advanced feature that focuses on automation, allowing you to streamline your hiring process efficiently. They serve as an integration hub between Assessment tools and Growhire. Once configured, they are designed to take over manual actions like sending assessment invites, updating scorecards, and more.

The Big Picture

Workflows data flow
Workflows data flow

Workflows are categorized into Workflow Groups, each with a specific type (learn more about the different types below).

Each Workflow type describes a single automation process that involves reading and writing between your Growhire and Coderbyte, for example:

  • Send a Coderbyte assessment invitation to a candidate once they have been moved to a specific stage in Growhire
  • Attach the Coderbyte assessment feedback to the candidate's profile (visible only to recruiters) or progress them to other stages

Please note that Growhire Workflows will only be triggered for the jobs and assessments that you have specifically configured within your dashboard. Any activities performed outside of these specific configurations will be ignored by the system. This ensures that your workflows remain focused on the specific tasks that you have set up and avoids any confusion or errors that may arise from unintended actions.

Example Workflows configuration
Example Workflows configuration

Workflow structure

Each workflow consists of a trigger (defines what event should start the workflow) and an action (what should the workflow do). Some triggers and actions are interchangeable, which means that the same trigger type can be used with a couple of different actions.

The table below presents all possible trigger and action configurations: