Assessment Completed

Assessment Completed

Assessment Completed


It will trigger a Workflow when a Coderbyte Assessment is submitted by the candidate.

Configuration is being done by selecting an assessment from the list of all assessments in your Coderbyte account.


You can filter which assessments trigger the workflow by specifying additional conditions. These filters can be built from two Coderbyte parameters: qualification score (whether a candidate qualifies or not) and cheating detection (detected or not detected). Selecting a condition means that the workflow will run only if the assessment result matches the criteria.

You can leave this field empty if you want the workflow to run for all assessment completions.

“any” vs “all”

You can determine how multiple conditions will work together. By default, a workflow will run when at least one of the selected conditions is met (A or B).

If you want to require all conditions to be satisfied, toggle the switch to “all” (A and B).


The form will not allow selecting contradictory conditions in the “all” mode, since it’s logically impossible to meet such conditions (e.g. assessment can never be “qualified” and “not qualified” at the same time).