Connecting Ashby

Connecting Ashby

Connecting Ashby

Growhire offers integration with Ashby Workflows, allowing you to automate common tasks such as sending assessment invites or progressing candidates to the next stages based on assessment results.

Generate your API Key

To get started, navigate to your Ashby admin dashboard and create a new API Key. Give it a name that clearly represents its purpose, such as "Growhire."

For more detailed instructions, refer to this guide from Ashby University.

Connect Ashby with Growhire

After generating the API key, navigate to the Settings > ATS (under Integrations) section on your Growhire dashboard. Click on Connect below the Ashby logo to establish the connection.

You will be presented the following screen:


Paste your Ashby API Key and click “Connect”.

Configuring the Webhook

After connecting your Ashby account, you will be presented with details for configuring the Webhook.

To do this, navigate to your Ashby dashboard, go to Admin → Integrations → Webhooks, and create a new Webhook.

Details of the example Webhook configuration. Please note that these details are unique for each account.
Details of the example Webhook configuration. Please note that these details are unique for each account.

Next, paste the provided details into the “Add Webhook” form in Ashby and submit. Once done, your integration will be up and running.